Eight Personality and Sexual Types
According to the Colors of their Aura

Roland Stahl, November, 2022

     According to the wisdom of the Hermetic Alchemists, there are seven distinct levels of Consciousness, through which they trace the progression of the metals from Lead to Gold.  Alchemists associate these seven levels with metals, while Astrologers associate those same levels with planets.  The Eight Trigrams of the I Ching describe these same patterns, which cannot be coincidence, and shows that the patterns are original and universal.  (The eighth position on the scheme of the I Ching would be represented in the Western tradition as the Earth for the Planet, and the Prima Materia for the Metal, so both systems are an exact match.)  These ideas were discovered, not invented.

     Since the social and sexual interactions of human beings follow this same pattern and sequence of ideas, we can use this outline to elucidate the different social and sexual types of each personality type, corresponding to their Aura color.  These eight patterns describe, collectively, the passage from Zero to Infinity, Nothingness to Being, or Death to Life.  That passage is broken down into eight stages, and is represented by the Alchemists in the following way ~

     On the bottom of the cycle is the Black Aura, Death or Solitude.  A person with a Black Aura is withdrawn and isolated into himself.  The relationship is between himself and God.  Common manifestations of this aura are Priest, Magician, Wizard, or Chaos, a complete letting go into madness.  Socially and sexually, this person is non-existent and very far away.

     Red is the aggressive male energy striking outward in rage or anger, dominating all foes as far as one can (I use the gender neutral pronoun because women can just as easily express this energy as men, if less frequently).  If this energy be engaged in constructive work, it would rise to the level of Orange, but, as Red, it suggests an imbalance of dominance, anger, hatred, or violence.  Ruthless Oil Barons who plunder the earth for their profit are good examples of the Red Vultures feeding off the carcass of our dying planet.  Socially and sexually, persons of a Red Aura would be persons who lie and steal, take what they want, rudely disdain other people, and perhaps even take delight and pleasure in plundering or raping them.  Donald Trump is a textbook example of the Red personality type.  (Other obvious representative types of each of the eight Aura patterns will easily be found among the people on the planet, but I will refrain from offering any further labels, as I know it is rude; so sorry, Donald.)

     Violet is the color of the oppression, defeat, and loss of the victims of Red aggression and anger.  It is also linked to the highest levels of religious, mystical, and shamanic illumination, as the Mystery at the end of life.  Sexually, this can lead to very high levels of energy.  The image from the I Ching is the Mountain, representing extreme inertia.  Another image is a Whirlpool, swirling down into Black.  Think planet Earth at the present Moment.

     Throughout most of the history of the world, this has been the extent of the manifestations of life on this planet.  At the present time, however, it represents only the bottom of the whole field of life energy, which has expanded to include quite a bit of energy higher up.  A field of energy has arisen organized into productive work, all of which burns at a much brighter level than the red flames below or the purple coals at the bottom.  This is Orange, and it represents the primary expenditure of the energy of the organism.  At this level, the life force begins to expand and increase.  As the living organism succeeds in life to live and grow, there comes an increasing abundance, and less need to fight or struggle.  At the other end of the same level of consciousness is the Blue Aura, or peace and rest from the conflict.  Relax, release, let go.  The sexual energy of the Blue level is perfect balance, or tantric yoga.  Dancers or musicians or Buddhists may be Blue type.

     Sexually, persons with the Orange personality type will be combative, argumentative, and competitive, but can also be hard working companions when maintaining a state of peace.  Think soldiers, for example.  Wrestling is the basic expression of the sexual energy of Orange personality types, but may also be expressed by playing chess.

     The Blue represents a major plateau, marking the important line separating the Rising from the Falling.  Above this line, the vital energy of the organism rapidly expands and grows.  The Yellow Aura is the radiation of abundance and joy, an expression of love.  A Green Aura denotes Grace, receiving love and joy, life, and health.

     It will immediately be apparent that the social and sexual level of the Yellows and Greens express the greatest life force, way above the level of the Orange and Blues.  At a lower level are the Reds and Purples, struggling to stay alive above the Flatline of Black.

     White at the top ~ the Union with God marks the upper limit of the cycle of life and death, cosmic consciousness.  Sexually, persons of a White Aura are no longer of this world.

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